Our Services
Uprising Homes, Inc. provides Residential and Periodic Services to consumers with developmental disabilities, mental illness or individuals who are dually diagnosed. These services include:
Residential Level III is a structured living environment for children and adolescents who have a primary diagnosis of mental illness or emotional disturbance and who may also have other disabilities and for whom removal from home is essential to facilitate treatment.
Respite Care is a service that provides periodic relief for the family or primary caregiver. In order to be considered the primary care giver, a person must be principally responsible for the care and supervision of the individual, and must maintain their primary residence at the same address as the covered individual. This service may be provided in the individual’s home or in an out-of-home setting.
Personal Care Services include support, supervision and engaging participation with eating, bathing, personal hygiene and other activities of daily living. Support and engaging consumer participation is non-habilitative and describes the flexibility of activities that may encourage the person to maintain skills gained during active treatment and/or habilitation while also providing supervision for independent activities of the consumer. This service may include assistance with preparation of meals, but does not include the cost of the meals themselves.
Crisis Services provide one additional staff support person for supervision for the CAPMR/DD waiver recipient, as needed during an acute crisis situation so that the recipient can continue to participate in his/her daily routine during periods of time in which the person is presenting episodes of unmanageable and/or inappropriate behaviors that require specialized staff intervention. An individual may display extreme, maladaptive behaviors that are not anticipated, are temporary in nature, and are beyond the daily behaviors that are addressed through other supports. Crises of this nature may be due to medication changes, reaction to family stress, or other trauma. By providing this service, an imminent institutional admission may be avoided while protecting the person from harming themselves(s) or others. Crisis services are provided for periods of up to 14 consecutive days per episode.